Strategic risks – those that either affect or are created by business strategy decisions – can strike more quickly than ever before, accelerated by rapid-fire business trends, rapid risk onset i.e.COVID-19, and technological innovations such as social media, mobile and big data.
Companies that fall behind on the protective curve may quickly fall prey to protective’s evil twin – disruption. That is just one of the reasons managing strategic risk has become a high priority for many executives.
ZeroRisk has a proven track record in strategic risk analysis, listening to your needs, aligning it with what we know through our intelligence, and providing you with timely and accurate information and advice to assist in your decision making
Case Study (Bangladesh 2016):
On 1st July 2016 a series of deadly attacks ripped through the business and commercial districts of Dhaka. Terror group JMB influenced by Islamic State (IS) claimed the attack, and the prospect of retailers in Europe / US & Asia losing out on $3.5 Billion worth of orders became quite real. ZeroRisk CEO Tony Loughran deployed into Dhaka on the evening of the attack was commissioned to conduct an evaluation of the specific threat level, and tasked with protecting future business operations.