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ZeroRisk International created the first-ever Security Travel App (SecApp) in 2014 and continuously improves it based on customer feedback. The SecApp includes a comprehensive global list of vetted major hospitals, airports, embassies, police and fire services. Additionally, the app features Security and Health E-learning videos, which is often used for staff induction training.

We assist with setting up your employees on the app, testing it before any travel, and providing training on how and when to use the EMERGENCY and CHECK-IN functions. The SecApp also offers a 24/7 tracking service for management to monitor all business travel for added peace of mind.



For Corporate & Leisure Travellers

Worlds first multi-functional traveller security app. The ZeroRisk SecApp provides a comprehensive solution for travel security, emergency assistance, and tracking, making it a valuable tool for businesses, their employees, and independent travellers.

Key features include:

  • 24/7 Support, Dashboard with EMERGENCY HELP & CHECK IN buttons
  • LIVE Security & Health alerts
  • Library with Security tips & E-training modules
  • Telemed and LIVE tracking/monitoring as required. 

Note: Leisure travellers (students on gap year, families on holidays & retirees) can simply download the ZeroRisk SecApp for additional peace of mind while travelling and self-manage their security, safety & health situation.

Download the ZeroRisk International SecApp: 


For Corporate & Leisure Travel

Worlds first multi-functional traveller security app. The ZeroRisk International SecApp provides a comprehensive solution for travel security, emergency assistance, and tracking, making it a valuable tool for businesses, their employees, and independent travellers.

Key features include:

  • 24/7 Support with EMERGENCY HELP & CHECK-IN
  • LIVE Security & Health alerts
  • E-learning videos with Security & Health tips 
  • Telemed and LIVE tracking/monitoring as required. 

Note: Leisure travellers (students on gap year, families on holidays & retirees) can simply download the ZeroRisk International SecApp (for $19.99 per year) for additional peace of mind while travelling, and self-manage their security, safety & health situation.SecApp symbolDownload the ZeroRisk International SecApp: 



Travel Docs

Travel Docs, developed by ZeroRisk, is an invaluable travel safety booking tool integrated with clients' Travel Agency booking portals. It provides LIVE Security and Health information, including tips on travelling to specific regions, directly into the traveller’s flight itinerary allowing seamless connectivity and enhanced travel safety.

By extracting this information from the ZeroRisk SecApp Dashboard ALERTS page, travellers can stay updated on security and health concerns related to their destination. This real-time information ensures that travellers are well-informed and can make critical decisions regarding their travel plans.

By integrating security, health, and travel tips into the travel itinerary document, Travel Docs consolidates all the necessary information in one place. This not only improves convenience but also promotes travel safety by keeping travellers informed and prepared throughout their journey.




Travel Docs

Travel Docs, developed by ZeroRisk, is an invaluable travel safety booking tool integrated with clients' Travel Agency booking portals. It provides LIVE Security and Health information, including tips on travelling to specific regions, directly into the traveller’s flight itinerary allowing seamless connectivity and enhanced travel safety.

By extracting this information from the ZeroRisk SecApp Dashboard ALERTS page, travellers can stay updated on security and health concerns related to their destination. This real-time information ensures that travellers are well-informed and can make critical decisions regarding their travel plans.

By integrating security, health, and travel tips into the travel itinerary document, Travel Docs consolidates all the necessary information in one place. This not only improves convenience but also promotes travel safety by keeping travellers informed and prepared throughout their journey.


Your staff on the day were courteous, professional and a lot of fun to have around.  The way they gently encouraged the public to greet our VIP was lovely to see.  They played an integral part in the success of our Mardi Gras float this year and we’re grateful to you all.

TV / Media Events Manager

ZeroRisk is a standout company and head and shoulders above the rest as what you see is what you get, honest and integral to the core.

Insurance Broker

What makes ZeroRisk so unique is its staff are drawn from a diverse range of backgrounds with very broad skillsets.

Insurance Case Manager

ZeroRisk has an extremely balanced gender and ethnic representation, and all of its team are always 100% client focussed.

Insurance Broker

What ZeroRisk offer is the personal touch and you always get one of their team reaching out to you and not someone on the end of a 1800 number.

Insurance Broker

ZeroRisk has huge credibility in the insurance industry as they can always be trusted and relied upon to get the job done.

Senior Insurance A&H Specialist

20 years in the business, wow what an achievement, many congrats.

Clients via social media

ZeroRisk used all their contacts in US State Department and guided us to safety to get us out of Afghanistan.

Afghan Political Refugee

No other company has the ‘boots on the ground’ and the local intelligence connections like ZeroRisk.

Wesfarmers Retail Groups

I’ve found through my travels with ZR on the ground that they go above and beyond the ‘call of duty’ to ensure my journey in often difficult countries runs smoothly so I can simply focus on my job and not what’s going on around me.

Retail Target & Kmart Quality Assurance Team

Frequently asked questions

What made you build the SecApp?

For many years now our team has been involved in the security and accident investigations in many countries and unfortunately the common cause of both was a lack of Security Information and a fast security / medical response. The SecApp build was a logical progression to supply both and ensure companies and individual travellers had the most up to date information and an Emergency Response they could depend on.

Everyone has a Travel App these days, why is your SecApp so different?

The ZeroRisk SecApp has gone through many versions and updates and is driven and re-developed by the traveller, and not the management of a company. It’s also extensively used by the traveller which cannot be said about other comparable Apps. Our SecApp has all your travel information in the palm of your hand and is the security management ‘go to’.

How does Travel Docs work and why do I need this if I have the SecApp?

Travel Docs was developed to complement the SecApp and in essence what it does is take raw travel data from a company’s flight booking agent and wash it through our SecApp Database where it not only provides the traveller with up to date security and health information every time they open their Travel Doc it also provides the Travel Management or Risk Team with a quick overview of where anyone is at any one point in time, and this proved invaluable during COVID.

How do you keep up to date with Security & Medical Incidents?

We have a 24/7 Security & Health ALERT NEWS feed that appears as a PIN on the Dashboard Map, we also geofence incidents such as riots or disease outbreaks as they erupt in numerous locations. In addition to our 24/7 Alerts we also have a PUSH Notification service which our INTEL team use to send information to the users on any developing incidents.

Do you offer TELEMED as part of the SecApp Service?

Yes, we do and companies can buy into an annual retainer fee to secure our Medical triage & TELEMED service which can be booked direct from the HEALTH Page on the SecApp. However, whenever we are travelling with our clients our team are trained to deal with medical incidents and will either escort the client to a hospital or medical centre or will arrange for a Dr to visit the hotel. But in the event we are not travelling with you our TELEMED service is extremely beneficial and worth having for ‘peace of mind’.


ZeroRisk offer a diverse range of high risk security expertise which differ from other travel risk providers. To learn more about our personalised & boutique service, contact us now.

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